Saturday, November 23, 2019

Hansel and Gretel Differences.

Hansel and Gretal a tale about two siblings whose parents abandoned them in the woods during a period of great famine. And on their trip to the woods, they get lost and encounter a house made of all the sweets that you can imagine. Gumdrops, chocolate, and pies’ a dreamland to two striving kids. However, what they didn’t know is within that dreamland lies a wicked and evil witch waiting to capture them and devour them whole. Which is a similar plot in the movie that is dedicated to the two young siblings who save themselves. On the other hand, there are many differences between the tale and the movie some of which include the care of their parents. 

Image result for hansel and gretel
In both the movie and the tale Hansel and Gretel siblings, there is no recreation of the tale where there are not blood-related. In addition just like the tale they find themselves lost in the woods when they cannot seem to find their bread crumb trail. Resulting in them wandering aimlessly in the woods for hours until they come to a house made of sugary treats. Where their lives are in danger because of the evil witch who is trying to eat them. Leaving Gretal to rescue them from their doom. 

On the other hand, differences between the two are how much their parent cares for them. In the tale Hansel and Gretal’s mother don’t have any care for them she brings them into the woods to get killed so she won’t starve. While in the movie the mother intended for them to go into the wood to pick barries then come back and when they didn’t she became worried. All in all, it is still the tale that we know in love for its adventurous escape. 

Sources: forest_mini__1445751260_122.162.98.158.Jpg, Sources:Google, and gretel &ved=0ahUKEwjSnvDCoNTlAhUBheAKHVawA-4QMwijASgZMBk&iact=mrc&uact=8.

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