Difference in Bluebeard

Bluebeard is a tale of an older man who kills off his wives when they can’t fight the temptation when he gives them the key to enter his forbidden chambers. Fitcher Bird and The Robber Bridegroom is a tale similar tale of husband that has murder someone or their wives. Similarities of the three tales are the husband has murdered someone and the wives found out. Moreover, a similar theme in all stories is the womanly charter is the protagonist of all the stories they are the heroes of their tale. Also, a familiar theme that can be seen in all of the tales are the man prays on young girls. Differences between these stories are how the man would kill their victims in Bluebird would temp his wives to go into the forbidden chamber and then kill them. In Fitcher Bird the wizard would change himself into a beggar and kidnap a young girl and kill them off. Moreover, in The Robber Bridegroom, the bridegroom would marry young girls then after they are married he and his band would kill and eat them. Furthermore, unique characteristics that can be seen in all the tales is their different titles. In Bluebeard, he was lord and in Fitcher Bird he was a witch moreover, The Robber Bridegroom he was a robber. All of the fairytales were distributing but the fairytale that I didn’t like the most is Fitcher Bird because of the way the girls were deceived into helping the old witch.

Source: Google Photos
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