Little Red Riding Hood

Gigglebox shows an animated cartoon of the classic fairytale of the Little Red Riding Hood. While watching the fairy tale, I noticed that the animation was child-friendly. At the beginning of the story, little red riding hood was giving a red clock from her grandmother, whom she loved dearly. As the story continues, little red riding hood mother informs her that her grandmother is ill and she has to deliver her some food for her to get better. Therefore, she walked into the woods. And while wandering in the forest, she notices the flowers and stops to pick some. As she plucks the flowers, the wolf walked up to the little red riding hood, asking her about where her grandmother lives. Once she finished picking flowers, she walks, to her grandmother's house; not knowing that the wolf was there to eat her and her grandmother. When the wolf, finally eats her it, attracts the attention of a huntsman, who turns the wolf upside down to get them out of his belly. Therefore, she never trusted anyone as much as she had with the wolf. Teaching young kids a viable lesson to never trust strangers, and if you do then there, is a possibility that your grandmother will be eating.
Source: Little Red Riding Hood | Fairy Tales | Gigglebox
“Character:-the-Baker's-Wife.” Tumblr, the baker's wife.
Google Image Result for Https://, Google, red hood&ved=0ahUKEwiTz8vd4cflAhWlVN8KHZ9yCv8QMwiRAigPMA8&iact=mrc&uact=8.
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