Saturday, November 23, 2019

Closing Remark of Grimm to Disney Course

During my semester of learning about different fairytales and the ones that I already knew while uncovering their true meaning. Childhood stories like Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty and Snow White and the reason why their birth mothers were never present during their lives except for Sleeping Beauty. Moreover, I learned why the majority of Disney film leaves out a female initiative which was to reflect Disney’s personal views and opinions. In addition, to learning about various reasoning to why fairytales are the way that they are I also learn of many fairytale effects on the world. For instance, fairytale and how it affects the mind of the young female readers. Fairytales such as Cindrella influences young girls to associate beauty and niceness with a reward system since Cinderella gets the prince and she is beautiful and nice. This similar theme is not only seen in that tale but also many other popular tales that are in Disney films. In addition, to learning about old fairytales I also learned about new fairytales such as Bluebeard a tale of a young girl marrying an older man who kills his wives when she cannot fight off the temptation to enter his forbidden room. This tale is fascinating to me because it the only tale that I know that the female is the protagonist of her own story. Females in fairytales do not save themselves the man of the story has to save them from any evil doing. Furthermore, this course also taught me how to think analytically and to go deeper into a text.  All in all, I learned many things from this semester course that I will take away from and use during the rest of my college experience. 

Cartoon Rapunzel vs Disney

Image result for rapunzel grimmRapunzel is a tale of a young girl whose parent was forced to abandoned her when the stoled from the witch’s garden. While staying with the witch she was forced into hiding in a tall tower away from any living human being besides the witch. When watching Gigglebox a cartoon that replicates this tale I noticed some similarities and differences. One similarity is the father stoled from the witch’s garden in both versions this never changes. Another similarity that can be seen in both tales is the mother being pregnant and asking for food. However, in this tale, it was because she was poor and there was nothing to eat therefore the husband had to steal from the witch’s garden which she didn’t like in this tale and the other tale. In comparison with the Grimms version where the husband stole lattice because the mother was craving it and couldn’t live another day without having some. Moreover, in this version instead of the husband being caught on the second time of him stealing from the witch garden he was caught the first time in the cartoon. Another difference between this version and Grimms version is in the cartoon Rapunzel hated the witch but in the Grimms version, it is explained that Rapunzel loved the witch like a mother she never had. Moreover in the cartoon, Rapunzel was locked up in the tower when she was 13 rather than her being locked in the tower ever since she was born. Even Though, these versions have some similarities they are mostly different from each other.  
Source: Google Photos

Difference in Bluebeard

Image result for fitcher's bird robber bird and bluebeard
Image result for fitcher's bird robber bird and bluebeardBluebeard is a tale of an older man who kills off his wives when they can’t fight the temptation when he gives them the key to enter his forbidden chambers. Fitcher Bird and The Robber Bridegroom is a tale similar tale of husband that has murder someone or their wives. Similarities of the three tales are the husband has murdered someone and the wives found out. Moreover, a similar theme in all stories is the womanly charter is the protagonist of all the stories they are the heroes of their tale. Also, a familiar theme that can be seen in all of the tales are the man prays on young girls. Differences between these stories are how the man would kill their victims in Bluebird would temp his wives to go into the forbidden chamber and then kill them. In Fitcher Bird the wizard would change himself into a beggar and kidnap a young girl and kill them off. Moreover, in The Robber Bridegroom, the bridegroom would marry young girls then after they are married he and his band would kill and eat them. Furthermore, unique characteristics that can be seen in all the tales is their different titles. In Bluebeard, he was lord and in Fitcher Bird he was a witch moreover, The Robber Bridegroom he was a robber. All of the fairytales were distributing but the fairytale that I didn’t like the most is  Fitcher Bird because of the way the girls were deceived into helping the old witch.

Image result for the robber bird brothers of grimm
Source: Google Photos

Hansel and Gretel Differences.

Hansel and Gretal a tale about two siblings whose parents abandoned them in the woods during a period of great famine. And on their trip to the woods, they get lost and encounter a house made of all the sweets that you can imagine. Gumdrops, chocolate, and pies’ a dreamland to two striving kids. However, what they didn’t know is within that dreamland lies a wicked and evil witch waiting to capture them and devour them whole. Which is a similar plot in the movie that is dedicated to the two young siblings who save themselves. On the other hand, there are many differences between the tale and the movie some of which include the care of their parents. 

Image result for hansel and gretel
In both the movie and the tale Hansel and Gretel siblings, there is no recreation of the tale where there are not blood-related. In addition just like the tale they find themselves lost in the woods when they cannot seem to find their bread crumb trail. Resulting in them wandering aimlessly in the woods for hours until they come to a house made of sugary treats. Where their lives are in danger because of the evil witch who is trying to eat them. Leaving Gretal to rescue them from their doom. 

On the other hand, differences between the two are how much their parent cares for them. In the tale Hansel and Gretal’s mother don’t have any care for them she brings them into the woods to get killed so she won’t starve. While in the movie the mother intended for them to go into the wood to pick barries then come back and when they didn’t she became worried. All in all, it is still the tale that we know in love for its adventurous escape. 

Sources: forest_mini__1445751260_122.162.98.158.Jpg, Sources:Google, and gretel &ved=0ahUKEwjSnvDCoNTlAhUBheAKHVawA-4QMwijASgZMBk&iact=mrc&uact=8.