Sunday, September 8, 2019

The Brother of Grimm Novel VS The Brothers of Grimm Movie

 In the Movie "The Brothers Grimm" shows the interesting lives of Jacob and Wilham Grimm and emphasizes their love for folklore and fairytales through, comedy and fiction. Although, the movie is about the Brothers of Grimm when compared with the novel about the brothers Grimm they are some key differences and some elements that were alike. Just like in the Novel The Brothers Grimm the two brothers show a keen interested in anything related to fairytales. However, the way of getting these stories differs. In the novel, it states'' Grimms...selecting tales from old books and recruiting the help of friends and tell them tales"(Zipes,10). According to the novel, the brothers would get the tales from books or old friends and ask them to recall the tales to them.

On the other hand in the movie "The Brothers Grimm" they would go to different villages and town seeking stories from the villagers. And from those stories, they would create allusion so that it would seem as though they would "defeat" the evil creatures that would terrorize these particular villages. Another difference between the movie and the novel was their differences in personalities when describing the charters. In the novel, Jacob personality is the more outgoing one while Wilham was the reserved one out of the two. Unlike the movie where the roles were reversed where Wilhamm was the outgoing one where Jacob was more reserved. It is also important to note that not only did the movie reverse their personalities but also their ages. Altogether the movie "The Brothers Grimm" and The Brother Grimm has the brothers of Grimm has the same concept with the same tale they have different stories. Some of which is ridiculous and far-fetched from the concepts that were told in the novel. But, they also have their similarities with each other.

Zipes, Jack. The Brothers Grimm. New York. Palgrave Macmillan. 2002.

The Brother Grimm.Gilliam, Terry.  Damon, Matt, Ledger, Heath. Dimension Films and Summit Entertainment.2005.Film 

“The Brothers Grimm (Film).” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 2 Sept. 2019,

Myint, B. “5 Facts About The Brothers Grimm.”, A&E Networks Television, 27 June 2019,

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